Allergies can be tough to diagnose. Allergic reactions can affect the skin, lungs, digestive system and even the cardiovascular system in a number of ways. This means they often resemble other illnesses, but they do not respond to the same treatments as the illnesses they resemble. This can be frustrating—and at times frightening—for both parents and children.
How Our Allergy & Asthma Specialists Can Help
How Our Allergy & Asthma Specialists Can Help
If your child has been struggling with allergies, you can rely on the expert care provided by the board-certified pediatric allergy and asthma specialists at Riley at IU Health. Our allergists in Indianapolis, Bloomington, and Carmel can help. They will work with you toward a correct diagnosis, identify your child’s allergy triggers and get you both back to a healthy and normal life.
Here’s why you should choose Riley at IU Health for your child’s allergy and asthma care:
- Pediatric allergy and asthma specialists. Our allergy and asthma doctors are board-certified in allergy and in pediatrics. Our doctors have extensive training in working with allergies in the kids. We recognize the unique ways allergic reactions affect children, which helps us take a child-specific approach. Our team often works with children whose allergies may not have been properly managed by other healthcare providers who do not have expertise in these conditions.
- Research network. Our Allergy & Asthma Department is part of the Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) Clinical Network. We are one of a select number of sites across the country with this designation. This gives us access to clinical trials and innovative new research for the treatment of food allergies. Collaborating with the FARE Clinical Network also provides access to the latest food allergy research and education, and advanced treatments.
- Food allergy research programs. Our allergists are actively involved in research for emerging treatments for food allergies to potentially include both oral and "patch" (transcutaneous) immunotherapy. We are also using new methods of early exposure to allergenic food for babies at risk for food allergies.
- Food challenges. Some allergies, especially food allergies, can go away with time. Allergy testing for kids can help determine if the allergy has been outgrown or if it still is causing symptoms. Our doctors also work with families to safely introduce allergenic foods to babies who may be at risk of developing a food allergy.
- Peanut allergy registry. We house one of the largest registries of children with peanut allergies. This enables us to detect trends and patterns among children with peanut allergies, which could lead to new opportunities for treatment. We invite all patients with peanut allergies to join this registry.
- Pediatric asthma. Our allergists are involved with asthma at the clinical, community and research levels. We utilize special treatments for asthma that focus on treating the immune system and allergic components of asthma.
Current Research Studies
Current Research Studies
PrecISE, the Precision Interventions for Severe and/or Exacerbation-Prone Asthma Network, is a research study to understand how to treat different types of severe asthma. We are looking for people who have asthma attacks or frequent asthma symptoms. Everyone in the study will receive one or more study medicines for their severe asthma. This study is sponsored by the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). For more information about PrecISE, call us at 317.274.3380 or email us at iuasthma@iupui.edu.
Conditions & Services
Allergy & Asthma Conditions We Treat
Our pediatric specialists provide patient- and family-centered care for most related conditions. The links below provide more specific information about some, but not all, of the conditions that we treat.
Allergy & Asthma Services We Offer
We offer a number of different Allergy & Asthma services. Below are some, but not all, of the services that we provide. If you have a question about a specific service that is not listed here, please contact our department.
Doctors and
Our expert doctors have specialized pediatric training that enables them to provide the highest standards of allergy and asthma care.
Allergy & Asthma Locations
Allergy & Asthma Locations
In addition to our primary hospital location at the Academic Health Center in Indianapolis, IN, we have convenient locations to better serve our communities throughout the state.
Sort through 3 facilities offering Allergy & Asthma care by entering your city or zip below.
Department Forms & Resources
Department Forms & Resources
The Allergy & Asthma at Riley at IU Health provides the following forms for parents, healthcare providers and personnel. We have also curated relevant resources from other websites and provided links with brief descriptions of the information that is available.
Peak Flow Zone System (Riley at IU Health)
This resource from the doctors at Riley at IU Health explains what a peak flow meter is and how to use one.
Relaxation Methods for Children With Asthma (Riley at IU Health)
The doctors at Riley at IU Health share ways to help your child relax during an asthma episode.
How to Use Asthma Medicines (Riley at IU Health)
This in-depth resource from the doctors at Riley at IU Health provides step-by-step directions for using common asthma medicines.
Video: How to Use a Nebulizer (English)
How to use a nebulizer to administer breathing treatments
Video: Cómo usar un nebulizador (Español)
Cómo usar un nebulizador para administrar tratamientos respiratorios
Video: How to Use an EpiPen (English)
How to use an EpiPen for allergic reactions
Video: Cómo usar un EpiPen (Español)
Cómo usar un EpiPen para reacciones alérgicas
Video: How to Use an Inhaler (English)
How to use an inhaler with a mask and a mouthpiece spacer to administer breathing treatments
Video: Cómo usar un inhalador (Español)
Cómo utilizar un inhalador con mascarilla y un espaciador de boquilla para administrar tratamientos respiratorios
Related Programs
Related Programs
We provide multispecialty care for a number of conditions. Below are links to our related programs.
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Health Professionals
For Health Professionals
The Allergy & Asthma Department at Riley at IU Health works with referring physicians to determine whether allergies are the cause of a patient’s symptoms. Our program works with physicians from otolaryngology, dermatology, gastroenterology and pulmonology to evaluate patients, identify the cause of their symptoms and treat the underlying conditions.
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Riley at IU Health works with referring physicians in Indiana and beyond.
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