We are dedicated to making your child’s hospital stay as positive as possible. Please let us know, at any time, how we can work with you to ensure your child’s stay is a positive experience.
You can find more information specific to a facility by choosing one of the links below. You will find information including directions, parking, amenities, etc.
What to Expect
What to Expect
As a parent or guardian, you need to sign medical consent forms when your child is admitted to Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health or Riley Children's Health at IU Health North. These forms give our physicians and team members permission to care for your child.
Patient and Family Identification
When admitted, each patient receives an ID wristband with his or her name. Parents or guardians of patients receive two Family Passes. These passes help the staff identify family members. You should wear your pass or have it with you at all times. You must have one on if you stay in the hospital with your child overnight. If you need passes for other family members, please talk with your child's nurse.
Insurance Information and Payment Agreement
As a parent or guardian, you will be asked for insurance information upon your child's admission. Staff will make a copy of your insurance card so we can bill your insurance correctly. If your insurance company has prior authorization/certification requirements, you are responsible for notifying them of your child's admission.
You will be asked to sign an agreement permitting us to bill your insurance company and guaranteeing final payment of your child's hospital bill.
Patient Belongings
You receive a patient belongings bag for clothing and other items when your child is admitted to Riley at IU Health. The hospital cannot assume responsibility for personal belongings. Please label all personal items and patient-owned medical equipment you bring to the hospital with your child's name. Also, please note that storage space in your child's room is limited.
Showers are available for our patients and families during their inpatient stay at both Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health in downtown Indianapolis and Riley Children's Health at IU Health North in Carmel, IN. During your child’s inpatient stay, a care team member can direct you to where the showers are located within or near the patient unit.
Laundry services are available for families during their child’s inpatient stay. Please ask a member of your child’s care team to direct you to where they are located in each of our hospitals.
Going Home
Going Home
Before discharge, a nurse will go over your child's care with you, talk to you about follow-up appointments and explain the discharge procedure. Your unit's patient guest relations team member can help you and your family when you leave the hospital. You can load your car in front of the hospital near the atrium lobby entrance. Please do not use the emergency room entrance.
Within two weeks after your child is discharged, you may receive a phone call asking about the care your child received. Your honest answers and comments will assist us in identifying areas we need to modify to improve our care and service.
Home Care Services
Your physician may order home care services when your child is discharged. These services can be provided by many home care companies. Your physician and other staff can help you choose a company that can provide the required services. Although many home care services are covered by insurance, you should ask because some items may not be covered by your insurance.