Anshu Sidana, MD - Family Medicine

Anshu Sidana, MD

Family Medicine

Employed Provider

4.7 out of 5 stars

(625 ratings)

Score is an average of all responses to care provider related questions on our nationally-recognized NRC Health Patient Experience Survey.

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Dr. Anshu Sidana specializes in Family Medicine for IU Health Physicians Primary Care. Dr. Sidana earned her medical degree from SGRD Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, India. She also completed a residency at Indiana University Health Methodist Hospital.

Dr. Sidana currently has a rating of 4.7 stars out of 5 with over 600 ratings. Patients say that she is warm, sweet, and upbeat. In a recent five-star review, a patient remarked: "Efficient, friendly, knowledgeable."

Dr. Sidana's office is at IU Health Physicians Primary Care, 6820 Parkdale Pl., Indianapolis, IN 46254.

IU Health Physicians Primary Care photo IU Health Physicians Primary Care

6820 Parkdale Pl.

Suite 100

Indianapolis, IN, 46254

Get Directions 317.297.7773
  • Family Medicine
  • School of Medicine: SGRD Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, India
  • Residency: Indiana University Health Methodist Hospital
Hospitals & Affiliations
  • Riley Physicians
  • IU Health Medical Group