IU Health North NICU team dresses babies up for Halloween

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IU Health North NICU Team

Team members in the Riley Children’s Health at IU Health North Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) helped their infant patients celebrate Halloween in style this year.

The team dressed the babies up in costumes for their families to enjoy.

“We love being able to do this for our patients and their families,” says Ashley Brunic, manager of clinical operations for the NICU. “The team enjoys dressing the babies up and the parents are so excited to see the costumes."

nurse puts baby in costume
Ashley Brunic prepares patient Jude Lattea for his costume

This year, the costumes were donated to the unit. They include Peter Pan, Baby Yoda, a police officer, a cheerleader and more.

baby in Belle costume
Abigail Timm dressed as Belle from Beauty and the Beast
baby in Peter Pan costume
Adam Jackson dressed as Peter Pan
baby in baseball player costume
Arthur Soza dressed as a baseball player
baby in doctor costume
Dean Patton dressed as a doctor
baby in Yoda costume
Elias Allgood dressed as Baby Yoda
baby in Superman costume
Giovanni Gongola dressed as Superman
baby in fireman costume
Jude Lattea dressed as a fireman
baby in cheerleader costume
Willow Sergent dressed as a cheerleader
baby in police officer costume
Arjun Kaur dressed as a police officer