Chris Boyd, who works the night shift on 8 East, connects with his patients over dinosaurs, video games and “Star Wars.”
By Maureen Gilmer, Riley Children’s Health senior writer, mgilmer1@iuhealth.org
Chris Boyd is a big kid at heart, his mom says. So, working with kids comes naturally.
Boyd, a registered nurse on 8E at Riley Hospital for Children, recently earned a Daisy Award for his compassionate care of children on the medical-surgical unit.
The nominator, a nurse herself at IU Health Frankfort Hospital, saw how Boyd cared for her 6-year-old son during a recent hospitalization and was moved to nominate the nurse for the award.
“Although all nursing staff were excellent during our stay, there was one that really stood out to us,” Melissa Douglass said.
“Chris took care of Grayson most of the nights during our stay. Immediately, Chris took note that Grayson loved dinosaurs, and they quickly bonded over a discussion of their favorite dinosaurs.”

Grayson was admitted to Riley for treatment of eye periorbital cellulitis, an acute infection of the tissues surrounding the eye. Part of the treatment involved twice-daily nasal sprays and irrigation. The irrigations frightened her son, Douglass said, but they had to be done.
“Chris was the most patient with Grayson and gave him the time necessary to accept it was going to be done.”
Boyd, who joined the Riley nursing team in July 2022 after earning his nursing degree and working as a tech with adult patients in Lafayette, remembers young Grayson.
“Nasal irrigations twice a day, that’s not fun,” he said. “I wouldn’t want to do it. But I gave him the time he needed to be ready emotionally, physically and mentally.”
Even if that meant sitting on his knees on a hard floor for long stretches while Grayson worked up his courage.
“I didn’t want to break his trust by making him do it before he was ready. If you break that trust with a patient, it’s over. It’s hard to get it back,” Boyd said. “My dad always taught me that trust is earned in drops but lost in buckets.”

Bryan and Christie Boyd couldn’t be prouder of their son. They were so pleased that he was being recognized that they joined his girlfriend, Breanna Casada, for photos before his night shift on Monday.
“It didn’t surprise me at all when he chose nursing,” Bryan Boyd said. “I figured he’d either be a special education teacher or a nurse. Growing up, he always looked out for the underdog; he cared about every kid.”

The Daisy recognition gives Boyd a boost of confidence, which is why his mom is grateful to Douglass for nominating him.
“That was very kind of her to do that for him.”
For his part, Boyd said he is still learning and growing as a nurse, sometimes wondering if he is doing a good job.
“Sometimes I feel like I ask too many questions, but my team is very supportive of each other,” he said. “They are always there to build me up, answer questions and provide support. I couldn’t have asked for a better unit to work on. I love my co-workers on 8 East.”
As far as Douglass is concerned, Boyd has what it takes to be an excellent nurse.
“The patience, empathy and compassion he exhibited was outstanding. Chris was able to help and support my son but was also there to calm and support my husband and I during this stressful time.”
Nominate a nurse who exemplifies excellent clinical skills and compassionate care here.
Photos submitted and by Mike Dickbernd, IU Health visual journalist, mdickbernd@iuhealth.org