Access to quick, accurate medicine is an important part of your child’s care as a hospital patient. At Riley Children's Health, our 24/7 inpatient pharmacy uses advanced technologies to meet the needs of children in our care.
Inpatient Pharmacy Services
Clinical pharmacy specialists are partners in your child’s overall care at Riley Children's Health. Our professionals support inpatient drug therapies across multiple specialties, including cardiology, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), neurology, infectious disease, nephrology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, emergency medicine, trauma, pulmonary and respiratory care, hematology/oncology and others.
Outpatient Pharmacy Services
Located in the Riley Outpatient Center at IU Health, the Riley Retail Pharmacy is a full retail pharmacy which provides prescription medications to patients after they are discharged from the hospital or clinic. They have experienced employees to help with medication needs and specialize in compounded medications. They can be reached at 317.944.2335 or 1.888.477.0010. Outpatient infusion services are supported by a dedicated hematology/oncology satellite pharmacy. We invite you to contact one of our pharmacists for additional information about your child’s medication.
Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health
705 Riley Hospital Dr., ROC1201
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Phone: 317.944.2335
Toll-Free: 888.477.0010
In addition to our primary hospital location in Indianapolis, we have convenient locations to better serve our communities throughout the state. View a pharmacy location near you.
Related Education
Our goal of improving healthcare for children requires a commitment to innovation and excellence in pharmaceutical care, education, research and service. Riley Children's Health offers a multi-hospital residency program that can be customized around each resident’s career aspirations. To learn more about opportunities to further your professional education, learn about our residency programs, including our one-year PGY2 Pediatric Residency.
Refill Your Child's Prescription
Easily manage and refill your child's prescription with our convenient online tool