The central nervous system (CNS) is the part of the body’s nervous system that includes the brain and spinal cord. It controls most functions of the body and mind. An infection of the central nervous system can be a life-threatening condition, especially for children with weakened immune systems. These infections need quick diagnosis and immediate treatment by an infectious disease specialist. Bacteria, fungi and viruses are the most common causes of CNS infections.
Central nervous system infections caused by bacteria or fungi can cause illnesses such as:
- Brain abscesses. This is a collection of pus and infected tissue within the brain.
- Bacterial meningitis. This happens when bacterial infections enter the bloodstream and travel to the brain and spinal cord.
Symptoms of bacterial or fungal central nervous system infections may include:
- Severe headache
- Back pain
- Stiff neck
- Confusion
- Weakness
- Fever
- Seizures
- Paralysis
Central nervous system infections caused by viruses can cause illnesses such as:
- Viral meningitis. This is inflammation of the layers of tissue that cover the brain and spinal cord.
- Encephalitis. This is infection and inflammation of the brain itself.
Symptoms of viral central nervous system infections may include:
- Fever
- Irritability
- Not wanting to eat
- High-pitched cry
- Head and neck pain
- Seizures
If you think your child may have a CNS infection, see a doctor immediately.
Diagnosis of Central Nervous System Infections
The doctor will examine your child and look for signs and symptoms of a CNS infection. Testing may include:
- Blood tests. A blood test examines a sample of blood for evidence of infection.
- Computed tomograpgy (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These special imaging tests produce cross-sectional images of the body.
- Spinal tap. In this test, a small amount of cerebral spinal fluid is obtained to test for infections.
Treatment for CNS infections varies depending on the type of infection, the location of the infection and your child’s overall health.
For bacterial or fungal CNS infections, treatment may include antibiotics, intravenous (IV) fluids, anticonvulsants for seizures and steroids for brain swelling.
Many CNS viral infections resolve without anti-viral treatment but may require supportive care and can cause long-lasting brain injury. Effective anti-viral medicines are available for CNS herpes simplex virus infection and should be given immediately to children with this infection.
Key Points to Remember
Key Points to Remember
- Bacteria, fungi and viruses are the most common causes of central nervous system (CNS) infections.
- An infection of the central nervous system can be a life-threatening condition, especially for children with weakened immune systems.
- Central nervous system infections caused by bacteria or fungi can lead to a brain abscess or bacterial meningitis.
- Central nervous system infections caused by viruses can lead to viral meningitis or encephalitis.
- Treatment for CNS infections varies depending on the type of infection, the location of the infection and your child’s overall health.
Support Services & Resources
Support Services & Resources
Learn more about central nervous system infections at the websites below.
We offer a broad range of supportive services to make life better for families who choose us for their children's care.
This government website provides information about all types of meningitis, including bacterial, viral and fungal.
This website offers information about meningitis and encephalitis.
In addition to our primary hospital location at the Academic Health Center in Indianapolis, IN, we have convenient locations to better serve our communities throughout the state.