Superheroes gathered at Riley Hospital for Children recently to help spread a little extra joy to patients and their families.

Spiderman, Flash, Black Panther and Iron Man descended from the roof of the hospital, doing some cleaning along the way. The window washing crew from American National Skyline created a lot of smiles on National Superhero Day.
“It’s pretty fun to get to surprise the kids when they’re stuck in the hospital,” said Flash.
The characters, plus Hulk and Spiderman II, also came inside to make some new friends.
During a visit to inpatient rehab, the superhero squad and Indiana first lady Janet Holcomb had the chance to meet a few patients who are using their own superpowers – with support from Riley therapists – to heal before they go home.

The costumed comic book characters (and their alter egos – Cory Williams, Davondre Jackson, Ryan Green, Jake Bare, Nyreon Daniel and Jerred Mencer) will tell you that it’s the kids who are the real superheroes.