Sam undergoes heart transplant after six months of waiting at Riley Children's Health



Sam heart pic

Samantha Hacker spent six months living at Riley Children's Health. Each day, she hoped for the call that would notify her a new heart was available for her transplant.

On October 7th, she finally received that call.

Samantha says the months living apart from her young daughter and husband were very difficult. But, she's incredibly grateful to her donor and their family for giving her more time to be a mom.

During her recovery, Samantha worked hard to regain her strength. She pushed herself to meet physical therapy goals. Her efforts paid off when she was able to leave Riley less than two weeks after her transplant.

The moment she walked out of Riley Children's Health with a new heart was the high point in a journey that began when she was a baby at this same hospital. She has spent 30 years struggling with heart problems. Now, she's able to have a fresh start.