This nurse practitioner in the outpatient stem cell clinic started her Riley career 10 years ago stocking supplies in hematology-oncology.
By Maureen Gilmer, IU Health senior writer, mgilmer1@iuhealth.org
Katlyn Antior’s 10-year career at Riley Hospital for Children has kind of come full circle.
She started working at Riley as a PSA, stocking supplies on the old hematology-oncology unit.
As a nursing student, she became a PCA, then transitioned into her role as a bedside nurse on the pulmonary unit, 8 West.
As much as she loved her job, she wanted more. She went back to school a few years later to earn her nurse practitioner license, and three years ago, she returned to where it all started – hem-onc – as an advanced practice provider.
Oh, and she had her first child three weeks after she graduated from her NP program.
And six months ago, she delivered twins at Riley’s maternity tower after being admitted five weeks earlier.
“When I got pregnant with the twins, it was a shock for all of us,” she said. “My care was in the maternal fetal medicine clinic just above the hem-onc office at Riley.”
Returning to care for kiddos who’ve been diagnosed with cancer was important to her.
“I’ve always had a passion for these patients,” she said. “I love the connection we’re able to make. As soon as I finished my NP program and this role was available, I knew this was where I wanted to be.”
Antior works in the stem cell clinic in the Riley Outpatient Center. There, she follows patients through sometimes lengthy treatments, balancing successes with setbacks.

Walking that journey with patients like Andrew Eyerman, whom she has followed for two years, is a privilege.
“Being able to create close relationships with our patients and relating to them on a different level helps the child and the whole family,” she said.
“For families outside the hem-onc world, it can be hard to understand, but a cancer diagnosis is a family diagnosis.”

Raised in California, Antior moved to Indiana as a teenager with her family. She met her now-husband, Michael, in high school, and the two can’t imagine living anywhere else but here.
“We love it here.”
Despite the challenges of raising three little ones while keeping up with a demanding career, Antior said she loves every second of it.
“I love my job, and I love my family. I try to find a good balance between both. Having such a supportive team at work and a supportive family at home allows me to keep doing what I’m doing.”
Photos submitted and by Mike Dickbernd, IU Health visual journalist, mdickbernd@iuhealth.org
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